Movies begining before 5:30PM all tickets for non-3D are $6.00, 3D is $8.50

Movies beging after 5:30PM -Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Holidays - Adults ages 12 and up - $8.00 , 3D $10.50, Children (1- 11), Seniors(62 and up)-$6.00 for NON-3D movies.  For 3D add $8.50 per ticket. 

Mon - Thurs the prices above are the same with the addition of a Student Ticket (with currect school ID- School ID must be present to get the Student discount) $7.00 AND

Civil Servant Ticket (This is for Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders, 911 operators and military((active duty and retired)) $7.00

Monday is Senior Citzen Day all Seniors are $6 all show times, please request the Senior ticket

Tuesday is Free popcorn day with the purchase of a ticket and soda, water or Frazil you get a free small popcorn

Wednesday is College Day - (with a current College ID ) tickets are $6 for all show times.

No other discounts on tickets are allowed by film companies.

Ticket prices may change without notice.


Step 1) Select the Showtime tab then select the date, IF the movie you are looking for is not listed, or does not open for a few weeks, change the month and date.  IF tickets pre-sales have been approved by the film studios and we are going to have this movie the date will be available for you to pick.

Step 2) Click on the date you want and follow the prompts to purchase your tickets( credit card, debit card or Theatres of Georgetown gift card may be used).

Step 3) After you have purchased the tickets you will get an email; therefore, check your email. (Check your junk or spam folder also)

Step 4) Arrive early to have your tickets printed at the Box Office or at the uhers' podium. Your tickets are held in our system according to your confirmation number and last 4 digits of the card used to purchase them and the email from which you purchased.  How early you arrive is depending on how big a movie it is and whether it is opening weekend or not.  We suggest at least 15-20 mins early.  

Step 5) You can bring in the confirmation number from that email OR just give us the email you used to purchase the ticket and we will print them up for you either at the register or at the usher stand. For R rated tickets we may ask for birthday, picture ID before tickets can be printed. We do follow the MPAA rating rules. 

All pre-purchased tickets are final, they cannot be exchanged or refunded.  Your tickets guarantee you a seat, but not necessarily seats together.  On opening weekend, we advise arriving 30 mins. early.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our office 863-3979

R rated policy: We follow the MPAA rating rules.  To view an R rated movie alone, you must be 17 years or older and show birthday, and picture ID.  If you are under 17 a parent or adult must view the movie with you. For the full mpaa rating rules go to www.mpaa.org


Yes, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Pay Pal.

SERVICE ANIMALS- with proper vest and ID are allowed within the theatres

We do not allow large bags, back packs, large diaper bags, strollers, pets nor computers within the individual theatres- this was put in place after the GPD and SCSD suggested it and the film companies ask this be policy.  Sorry for any inconviencence. 

All of our staff goes through safety proceedures 3 times a year for fire emergencies, medical emergencies and dangerous situtations.  

We at Theatres of Georgetown try to make sure that all patrons have a safe and enjoyable visit to the theatres.  To this end, we sometimes have to ask our patrons to put away phones, walk rather than run, and not climb on benches and more.  But if we ask you or your children to alter behavior, it is for the safety and enjoyment of all patrons.  Thank you!

We at Theatres of Georgetown desire to show all the new titles opening each week; however, we do not have the option to select all the movies.  Film companies offer titles to theatres using several criterias.  The 2 top are  how movies of that type have done in the past and the size of theatre or community.  Our coming soon section on this page is simply titles that are being released by the film companies.  We are happy to forward any request of upcoming movies to the apporiate channels for consideration.